Sunday, August 9, 2015

So this is a blog?

After many years of "oh maybe I'll try that next year"...I'm officially doing it! I'm starting a teaching blog!  

Right now I have Z.E.R.O. followers so this feels kinda funny, ya know, like writing to yourself but pretending others are going to be reading this.  Oh well - if nothing else I'll be able to look back at the end of the year and laugh at all my kinder-funnies that happened throughout the year.

Reasons for starting this "thing called a blog":
1. All the cool kids are doing it.
2. Other teaching blogs were THE reason that I survived my first year (yeah right - more like second, third, and fourth!) of teaching.
3. I work with five-year-olds all day. If you've never hung out with a child for a day, let me fill you in on a little secret...they're HYSTERICAL!  It's selfish of me not to share the humor that is my day-to-day.
4. Who knows, maybe some first year teacher out there will read and either a) learn something, b) know that he/she will survive.  If I did, anyone can!

Things "this blog" will not be:
1. Grammatically correct.  I am not an English major...anyone that really knows me knows that my dad's (aka my editor) name should really be listed with mine on all my diplomas :))  so that means NO JUDGING!  Consider this my disclaimer.

Well, I think that's all for tonight!  Tomorrow is my last official day of summer, but like so many other teachers out there in the "teacher-verse" I will be busy working in my classroom and getting ready for those sweet babies that I GET TO MEET ON FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (I'm not at all excited). 

Happy last days of summer everyone!!!

If you were just able to read this whole post, go 
thank a teacher! :))